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This course is 6 Thursday’s starting October 18th from 8:30 am-4:30 pm and you must register with Cathy Anderson, she can be reached at [email protected].


Course Description: Bridging the Gap is a forty-two hour training course for beginning and
intermediate medical/social service bilingual interpreters. Course objectives are 1) to be able to
apply the Interpreter’s Code of Ethics, 2) to be able to demonstrate the appropriate roles of an
interpreter; 3) to be able to demonstrate the modes of interpreting; 4) to be able to demonstrate
cultural competency practices; and 5) to be able to identify medical terms. The course is
presented by Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) and taught by Melanie Allmayer. Participants will
take a final exam on the last day of class. A certificate of completion is awarded based on
attendance and a passing score on the final exam.

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