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Join us for our JVS Young Professionals Board virtual Trivia Night!

Register  for TRIVIA 

All are welcome to join in this benefit event during Welcoming Week with the theme of Creating Home Together!

Participants will join or create virtual teams of 6-10 members participating in 5 rounds of varying categories ranging from pop culture, Kansas City knowledge to history and citizenship. Come be a part of this fun event with friends or meet new people from the safety of your home! Sponsorship opportunities are also available for teams.

Individual Trivia participant-$15

Trivia Sponsor (team of 6-10 people and recognition)-$250

To learn more about becoming a sponsor contact [email protected] or register today. Thank you to our sponsors to-date:

 Andrea and Robert Baran

Jay and Madeline Benjamin

James Ellis

Rev. Dr. Robert Lee Hill

Bill Intrater

The Kaseff Family

Prier Products, Poskin and Isenberg Family

Don Wise

You can help provide support to the thousands of JVS clients across the city by making services like counseling, workforce development and support for newly arrived refugees. During the COVID-19 outbreak, your support translates to counseling services, food insecurity support and more for people affected by job loss and more because of the pandemic.

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